Intro In this time, I tried Hooks. [TypeScript] Try React 1 [TypeScript] Try React + Redux Try Hooks Introducing Hooks – React According to the documents, Hooks were for using states and side-effects in function components. State "useStates" gave me current states and functions what create next states like Reducer of Redux. App.tsx import 'raf/polyfill'; import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import logo from './logo.svg'; import './App.css'; import { renderBoard } from './tic-tac-toe-hooks/BoardHook'; import { BoardState } from './tic-tac-toe/Board'; function App() { // default value and the "state" type came from the argument of "useState". const [state, setBoardState] = useState(initialState()); function updateSquareValues(key: number) { const lastSquares = state.squares.slice(); lastSquares[key] = (state.nextIsX)? '✕': '◯'; // update ...