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[TypeScript] Try React + Redux


[TypeScript] Try React 1 This time, I tried Redux to manage props and states.

Manage by React

First, I tried manging props and states by React.

Manage in child components(Square.tsx)

If only in the child components(Square.tsx) used the states, I could let them manage the states.


export type SquareValue = '◯'|'✕'|null;


import React from "react";
import './Square.css';
import { SquareValue } from './SquareValue';

export type SquareProps = {
    key: number,
    value: SquareValue,
    onClick: () => void,
export type SquareState = {
    value: SquareValue,
export class Square extends React.Component<SquareProps, SquareState> {
    render() {
        return (<button className="square"
            onClick={() => this.setState({ value: '✕'})}>

When I clicked the buttons, they would show '✕'.

Manage in the parent component(Board.tsx)

If the parent component(Board.tsx) also needed the states? It could create a state that had the child states.


import React from "react";
import { Square } from "./Square";
import './Board.css';
import { SquareValue } from './SquareValue';

export type BoardState = {
    nextIsX: boolean,
    // child states
    squares: Array<SquareValue>
export class Board extends React.Component<any, BoardState> {
    constructor(props: any){
        this.state = {
            nextIsX: true,
            squares: Array(9).fill(null),
    public render(): JSX.Element {
        return (
            <div className="board-row">
                    .map(i => this.renderSquare(i))}
    private renderSquare(i: number): JSX.Element {
        return (<Square key={i}
            onClick={() => this.handleClick(i)}>
    private handleClick(i: number) {
        const newSquares = this.state.squares.slice();
        newSquares[i] = (this.state.nextIsX)? '✕': '◯';
        const newState = {
            nextIsX: ! this.state.nextIsX,
            squares: newSquares 


export class Square extends React.Component<SquareProps> {
    render() {
        return (<button className="square"
            onClick={() => this.props.onClick()}>

Because the parent component managed the child states, the child components could be changed function.


export function renderSquare(props: SquareProps): JSX.Element {
    return (<button key={props.key} className="square"
            onClick={() => props.onClick()}>


    private renderSquare(i: number): JSX.Element {
        return (renderSquare({
            key: i,
            value: this.state.squares[i],
            onClick: () => this.handleClick(i)

Tutorial: Intro to React – React There were some problems. One was the parent component had many responsibilities. It had to control child components, props and states. To manage their states, I tried to use Redux.

Use Redux

Redux - A predictable state container for JavaScript apps. | Redux React Redux · Official React bindings for Redux


Because create-react-app could only create a React + TypeScript project or a React + Redux project. So I added Redux manually.
npm install --save redux react-redux
npm install --save-dev @types/react-redux
Following Basic Tutorial, I added Actions, ActionCreator, Reducer, and Store(connect). Basic Tutorial: Intro | Redux

Actions & ActionCreator

Actions | Redux First, I defined "What's happened?". In this sample, I defined "Clicking a Square button".


export interface ClickAction {
    type: 'CLICK_SQUARE';
    id: number;

And I added an ActionCreator. It created Action as same as factory methods.


export function clickSquare(id: number): ClickAction {
    return {
        type: 'CLICK_SQUARE',
        id: id


I added Reducer. It decided how was the state changed by Action. Reducers | Redux


import { BoardState } from "./Board";
import { ClickAction } from "./click-action";

/** if the state was null, set default value */
function initialState(): BoardState {
    return {
        nextIsX: true,
        squares: Array(9).fill(null),
export function updateSquare(state: BoardState = initialState(), action: ClickAction): BoardState {
    if (state == null || action == null) {
        return state;
    if (action.type != 'CLICK_SQUARE') {
        return state;
    const squares = state.squares.slice();
    squares[action.id] = (state.nextIsX)? '✕': '◯';
    return {
        nextIsX: ! state.nextIsX,


Next, I tried adding a Store. It managed the state. Store | Redux To use Redux in components, I used react-redux. Usage with React | Redux React Redux · Official React bindings for Redux In react-redux, Store was created in index.tsx and set into Provide.


import 'raf/polyfill';
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { updateSquare } from './tic-tac-toe/board-state-reducer';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

// set Reducers as argument of createStore.
const store = createStore(updateSquare);
    <Provider store={store}>
      <App />

In this sample, I set only one Reducer as argument of createStore. But I also could multiple Reducers.


For using the state in components, I had to use "connect".


import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11';
import 'react-app-polyfill/stable';
import React, { Dispatch } from "react";
import { renderSquare } from "./Square";
import './Board.css';
import { clickSquare, ClickAction } from './click-action';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { SquareValue } from './SquareValue';

export type BoardState = {
    nextIsX: boolean,
    squares: Array<SquareValue>
/** return state what was the state of this component */
function mapStateToProps(state: BoardState): BoardState {
    return state;
/** return changing the state Actions */
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch: Dispatch<ClickAction>) {
    return {
        onClick: (id: number) => dispatch(clickSquare(id))
type Props = ReturnType<typeof mapStateToProps> & ReturnType<typeof mapDispatchToProps>;
class Board extends React.Component<Props, BoardState> {
    public render(): JSX.Element {
        return (
            <div className="board-row">
                    .map(i => this.renderSquare(i))}
    private renderSquare(i: number): JSX.Element {
        return (renderSquare({
            key: i,
            value: this.props.squares[i],
            onClick: () => this.handleClick(i)
    private handleClick(i: number) {
        if (this.props.squares[i] != null) {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Board);

Although the parent component(App.tsx) use "<Board></Board>", this component had to export connect. not the component class. Todo App with Redux - CodeSandbox



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