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[TypeScript] Read source code of tsc 1(Parse options)


Because I want to know how to save the changes for the "incremental" option, I try to read the source code.
They are in the TypeScript project.

GitHub - microsoft/TypeScript: TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

This time, I write about how to parse the tsc command from src > tsc > tsc.ts.
According to the tsconfig.json of tsc, it refers "compiler" and "executeCommandLine".


    "references": [
        { "path": "../compiler", "prepend": true },
        { "path": "../executeCommandLine", "prepend": true }

tsc.ts and sys.ts


In this code, I think the most important for understanding how to parse the command is here.


ts.executeCommandLine(ts.sys, ts.noop, ts.sys.args);

The first argument had system info of Node.js.

The second one "ts.noop" does nothing as its name suggests.


    /** Does nothing. */
    export function noop(_?: {} | null | undefined): void { }

command-line arguments

The last one is command-line arguments.
It comes from "process.argv.slice(2)".
For example, when I execute the JavaScript code by Node.js...


"use strict";
function call() {

node dist/main.js -hello --world
I can get the result like below.
And by "slice(2)", I can get them(get from the third element to the end).
Array.prototype.slice() - JavaScript | MDN
[ '-hello', '--world' ]


This class checks if the operation is for build or not, and (for this time) builds the scripts.


    export function executeCommandLine(
        system: System,
        cb: ExecuteCommandLineCallbacks,
        commandLineArgs: readonly string[],
        maxNumberOfFilesToIterateForInvalidation?: number
    ) {
        if (isBuild(commandLineArgs)) {
            const { buildOptions, watchOptions, projects, errors } = parseBuildCommand(commandLineArgs.slice(1));
            if (buildOptions.generateCpuProfile && system.enableCPUProfiler) {
            else {
                return performBuild(



    export function isBuild(commandLineArgs: readonly string[]) {
        if (commandLineArgs.length > 0 && commandLineArgs[0].charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes.minus) {
            const firstOption = commandLineArgs[0].slice(commandLineArgs[0].charCodeAt(1) === CharacterCodes.minus ? 2 : 1).toLowerCase();
            return firstOption === "build" || firstOption === "b";
        return false;

This function split the first option with minus symbol(0x2D) and checks if the remaining charactors are "build" or "b" or not.
So according to this, I can understand these 2 things.
  1. I can "tsc -b -w" but I can't "tsc -w -b" for building scripts.
  2. I also can "tsc --b" for building scripts.

Get build options for parsing other options

After understanding this operation is for building, tsc gets build options for parsing other options.


const { buildOptions, watchOptions, projects, errors } = parseBuildCommand(commandLineArgs.slice(1));

For preparing, tsc gets the lists of CommandLineOption include "incremental" and create Map.


    /* @internal */
    export const commonOptionsWithBuild: CommandLineOption[] = [
            name: "incremental",
            shortName: "i",
            type: "boolean",
            category: Diagnostics.Basic_Options,
            description: Diagnostics.Enable_incremental_compilation,
            transpileOptionValue: undefined

Project References · TypeScript


    export function createOptionNameMap(optionDeclarations: readonly CommandLineOption[]): OptionsNameMap {
        const optionsNameMap = createMap<CommandLineOption>();
        const shortOptionNames = createMap<string>();
        forEach(optionDeclarations, option => {
            optionsNameMap.set(option.name.toLowerCase(), option);
            if (option.shortName) {
                shortOptionNames.set(option.shortName, option.name);

        return { optionsNameMap, shortOptionNames };

The function of createMap just creates Map<T>.

Parse build options

tsc gets the option value as same as checking if the operation is for building.


    export function parseCommandLineWorker(
        diagnostics: ParseCommandLineWorkerDiagnostics,
        commandLine: readonly string[],
        readFile?: (path: string) => string | undefined) {
        function parseStrings(args: readonly string[]) {
            let i = 0;
            while (i < args.length) {
                const s = args[i];
                if (s.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes.at) {
                else if (s.charCodeAt(0) === CharacterCodes.minus) {
                    const inputOptionName = s.slice(s.charCodeAt(1) === CharacterCodes.minus ? 2 : 1);
                    const opt = getOptionDeclarationFromName(diagnostics.getOptionsNameMap, inputOptionName, /*allowShort*/ true);
                    if (opt) {
                        i = parseOptionValue(args, i, diagnostics, opt, options, errors);
                    else {

After parsing the option values, tsc put them into "options".


    function parseOptionValue(
        args: readonly string[],
        i: number,
        diagnostics: ParseCommandLineWorkerDiagnostics,
        opt: CommandLineOption,
        options: OptionsBase,
        errors: Diagnostic[]
    ) {
        if (opt.isTSConfigOnly) {
            const optValue = args[i];
            if (optValue === "null") {
                options[opt.name] = undefined;
            else if (opt.type === "boolean") {
                if (optValue === "false") {
                    options[opt.name] = false;
                else {
                    if (optValue === "true") i++;
                    errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Option_0_can_only_be_specified_in_tsconfig_json_file_or_set_to_false_or_null_on_command_line, opt.name));
            else {
                errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Option_0_can_only_be_specified_in_tsconfig_json_file_or_set_to_null_on_command_line, opt.name));
                if (optValue && !startsWith(optValue, "-")) i++;
        else {
            // Check to see if no argument was provided (e.g. "--locale" is the last command-line argument).
            if (!args[i] && opt.type !== "boolean") {
                errors.push(createCompilerDiagnostic(diagnostics.optionTypeMismatchDiagnostic, opt.name, getCompilerOptionValueTypeString(opt)));

            if (args[i] !== "null") {
                switch (opt.type) {
                    case "number":
                        options[opt.name] = parseInt(args[i]);
                    case "boolean":
                        // boolean flag has optional value true, false, others
                        const optValue = args[i];
                        options[opt.name] = optValue !== "false";
                        // consume next argument as boolean flag value
                        if (optValue === "false" || optValue === "true") {
            else {
                options[opt.name] = undefined;
        return i;

Next time, I will read about performing build.



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