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[TypeScript] How to use "type"


When I write codes, I often confuse if I should use type alias or interface.
Actually, they are quite similar in some situations.

So I want to know how to distinct them.


  • TypeScript ver.3.8.3
  • Node.js ver.12.10.0


After compiling

Both type alias and interface are only in TypeScript.
After compiling to JavaScript, they will be disappeared.


interface ISample{
    name: string;
type TSample = {
    message: string
function main() {
    const iSample: ISample = {
        name: 'Hello'
    const tSample: TSample = {
        message: 'World'


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
function main() {
    var iSample = {
        name: 'Hello'
    var tSample = {
        message: 'World'

Treat as same type

If an object has same properties with them, they treat as their type, though the object doesn't implement them explicitly.

function main() {
    const iSample = {
        name: 'Hello'
    const iSample2: ISample = iSample; // OK
    const tSample = {
        message: 'World'
    const tSample2: TSample = tSample; // OK

Class implemmentation

Class can implement them.

/** OK */
class IClassSample implements ISample {
    public name: string = 'Hello'
/** OK */
class TClassSample implements TSample {
    public message: string = 'World'


Declaration merging

Interface has "declaration merging".
If there are some interfaces what have same name in same namespace, same file, and etc, they will be merged.

interface ISample{
    name: string;
interface ISample{
    message: string;
function main() {
    // 1st and 2nd ISample are merged.
    const iSample: ISample = {
        name: 'Hello',
        message: 'World'


Only interface can extends type alias and interface.

interface ISample{
    name: string;
type TSample = {
    message: string
interface IExtendSample extends ISample, TSample {
    id: number;
function main() {
    const iSample: IExtendSample = {
        id: 0,
        name: 'Hello',
        message: 'World'

But type alias can Cross type to get similar result.

interface ISample{
    name: string;
type TSample = {
    message: string
type TCrossSample = ISample & TSample & { id: number; }
function main() {
    const tSample: TCrossSample = {
        id: 0,
        name: 'Hello',
        message: 'World'

Declare type

Interface is only declared in this way.

interface InterfaceName {
    propertyName: Type

But type alias can be declared in many kinds of type.

interface ISample{
    name: string;
type TSample = {
    message: string
/** Union type */
type TUnionSample = ISample|TSample;
/** Cross type */
type TCrossSample = ISample & TSample & { id: number; }
/** Tuple */
type TTupleSample = [string, number];
/** Function */
type TFunctionSample = (message: string) => void;
/** Object */
type TObjectSample = {
    message: string
/** Mapped type */
type TBase = {
    id: number,
    name: string
type TMappedSample = { [P in keyof TBase]: string; };
/** Conditional type */
type TConditionalSample<T> = T extends string? 'string': 'other';
function main() {
    const crossSample: TCrossSample = {
        id: 0,
        name: 'Hello',
        message: 'World'
    const tupleSample: TTupleSample = ['hello', 0];
    const mappedSample: TMappedSample = {
        id: '0',
        name: 'Hello'
    const conditionalSample: TConditionalSample<string> = 'string';

Inteface also can create some types like type alias.
For example, interface can create function type like item12 of "Effective TypeScript".

interface IFunctionSample {
    (message: string): void
type TFunctionSample = (message: string) => void;

const callIFunction: IFunctionSample = (message) => console.log(message);
const callTFunction: TFunctionSample = (message) => console.log(message);

function main() {
    callIFunction('Hello'); // OK
    callTFunction('World'); // OK

But the others that are like Union type etc. cannot.

When should I use "type"?

When I can use either, should I use type alias?
According to "Effective TypeScript", I should follow the project style.
And if I need to publish to other projects, I should choose interface.

When the project is for a web application, if the object is for detecting behaviour and implemented by class, I want to choose interface.
If the object is for saving some data like data transfer object, I want to choose type alias.
Maybe this is because I get used to write C# codes :)


TypeScript/spec.md at master · microsoft/TypeScript · GitHub
Advanced Types · TypeScript
Effective TypeScript
Interface vs Type alias in TypeScript 2.7 - Martin Hochel - Medium
TypeScript: Interfaces vs Types - Stack Overflow



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