I build development of PostgreSQL environment on Ubuntu this time.Because I haven't wanted to install PostgreSQL directly, I use Docker to install it.
After installing them, I will try some SQL.
Build development environments
According to the documents, I add repository and install "docker-ce", "docker-ce-cli", ""Get Docker Engine - Community for Ubuntu | Docker Documentation
When I had installed "Docker for Windows" on Windows, it had the GUI application.
But maybe there is no GUI application for Ubuntu or I need installing another package?
PostgreSQL(Docker Hub)
Because I have wanted to use latest version, I just do "docker pull postgres".postgres - Docker Hub
After getting PostgreSQL, I made mistake when I did "docker run".
docker run (failed)
docker run --name sample-shop -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d postgres -p 5432:5432
There are no any errors, but I can't access to PostgreSQL.
This is because the last command-line arguments.
I must change the order of command-line arguments.
docker run (OK)
docker run --name sample-shop -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
For accessing PostgreSQL, I install PgAdmin.Because I don't need switching multiple version of it, I add repository and install directly.
Apt - PostgreSQL wiki
pgAdmin - PostgreSQL Tools
The latest PgAdmin version is 4.19.
But I installed ver.4.18-1.pgdg19.10+1.
This difference comes from the platform?
I have these two tables on database.category L category_id L category_name L last_update_date product L product_id L category_id L product_name L last_update_date
1 category has N products.
And I want to get "category_id" from the list of "product_name" of "product"(ex. "Sample" and "Pixel").
If I want to get items what have the product that names are "Sample" or "Pixel".
SELECT category_id FROM product
WHERE product_name IN ('Sample', 'Pixel')
GROUP BY category_id;
I can get 1 (LaptopComputer), 2 (DesktopComputer), 3 (Phone).But how about getting the "category_id" what has only "Sample" and "Pixel".
In this sample, I want to get only 3 (Phone).
Because I can't find the functions or clauses for this.
So I try using sub query or something.
I can do that by INTERSECT like below.
SELECT p.* FROM (SELECT p1.category_id FROM (
SELECT prd1.category_id FROM product prd1
WHERE prd1.product_name = 'Sample') p1
SELECT p2.category_id FROM (
SELECT prd2.category_id FROM product prd2
WHERE prd2.product_name = 'Pixel') p2) p
INNER JOIN (SELECT cntprd.category_id, COUNT(cntprd.product_id) FROM product cntprd
GROUP BY cntprd.category_id) cnt
ON p.category_id = cnt.category_id
WHERE cnt.count = 2
PostgreSQL INTERSECT Operator wIth Practical ExamplesThe problem is the SELECT statments in p increase by the list of "product_name".
Maybe I will add others later.