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[Volta] Manage Node.js version on Windows


I have installed Node.js directolly on Windows.

And I installed Node.js ver.14.0.0 in these days.

After installing, I tried to install node-webrtc and failed because it hadn't supported Node.js ver.14 yet(2020-04-25).
node-webrtc - GitHub

So I must use ver.13.
But I want to use latest version if I can.

Thus, I start searching Node.js version manager for Windows.

Select version manager

I choosed n for Ubuntu.
n - GitHub

But it doesn't support Windows.

One of famous Node.js version manager for Windows is nvm-windows.

nvm-windows - GitHub
Set up NodeJS on native Windows | Microsoft Docs

I'm afraid the development isn't active because the last release date is 2018-08-02.

Finally, I choosed Volta.
Volta - Start your engines.
volta - GitHub

It is introduced the Microsoft Docs above as alternative version manager.
Because I have already set Developer Mode on Windows, so I just install by its installer.

Use Volta

I can use Volta by following its documents.
Understanding Volta | Volta

For example, I can install Node.js ver.14.
volta install node@14

After installing, the Node.js version is set as default.
When I use ver.13 for a sample project of node-webrtc, I can "pin" on the project.
volta pin node@13

After pinning, the Node.js version is written in package.json.


    "volta": {
        "node": "13.13.0"
    "dependencies": {
        "tsc": "^1.20150623.0",
        "typescript": "^3.8.3",
        "wrtc": "^0.4.4"

How change the default version?

I installed ver.14 and ver.13.
Because the last installed version is ver.13, so it set as default.

But I want to use ver.14.
Maybe there are no commands for changing the default.

The answer is re-install ver.14.
volta install node@14

Is it possible to manually set the default node version? · Issue #502 · volta-cli/volta · GitHub


Anyway, I can manage Node.js version on Windows.
Because Volta supports other OS, so I will try on Ubuntu after getting used to use on Windows.



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